Winter is no excuse for little physical activity… did you know that winter sports such as sled riding burns so many calories? I know the brisk air and frigid temps. makes you want to warm up by the fire and hibernate under a blanket, but if you are working towards...
Benefits of Pomegranate
Another December produce item that is also a popular holiday ingredient… have you ever had a pomegranate? Pomegranates are part if the berry family but looks more like an apple. The skin is completely inedible but the seeds inside the fruit called arils are edible. These seeds are full of...
Fitspiration Friday
Fitspiration Friday… Congratulations to James who lost 72 lbs. with a variety of Beachbody programs and Shakeology! James started to gain weight after a relationship break-up and being away from his family and friends, he leaned on food to deal with the pain. When James went from 190 lbs. to...
Benefits of Celery
A November produce item and a popular ingredient to make that stuffing for Thanksgiving. Celery is a vegetable of the Apiaceae family, which also include carrots, parsnips, and parsley. Some of the health benefits of celery are listed below. Celery is very helpful with our digestive health and cardiovascular system....
Transformation Tuesday
Transformation Tuesday… Congratulations to Kila S. who lost 20 lbs. with PIYO and Shakeology. After having her fourth child, Kila felt depressed about her post-pregnancy body. Although it was a struggle to get her body back into shape, Kila was committed to making the change. PIYO and Shakeology helped Kila...
Benefits of Garlic
A November produce item that most don’t think about as being one. Garlic is a plant in the onion family and is used primarily in cooking to add flavor. Garlic has so many wonderful health benefits, and in ancient time it was used more for its health and medicinal properties...
Cranberry Apple Crisp
With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I’m sure those cranberry sauces are calling your name… do you have any other favorite cranberry recipes? I decided to share a favorite dessert that uses cranberries as a twist on the traditional apple crisp. The cranberries give that tart, but sweet flavor without...
How to Burn off the Halloween Candy
So you indulged in a few pieces of candy last night, what’s the plan now? It’s easy to do consume those fun-sized candy bars, but one usually turns into more than one, but now it’s time to burn that Halloween candy off!! Check out the chart below for some fun...
S.E.L.F. R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
Self respect. How many of us can say that we have legitimate respect for ourselves? What is it that gets in our way daily from truly believing in us as strong, worthy humans? For me, I have always struggled with people pleasing. Making sure everyone else's needs were...
How to have a COMEBACK!
How to have a COMEBACK! #1: Look Forward! Stop looking backwards- you aren't going there! You have to know where you want to go without wishing you were where you once were. #2: Set Goals: and Break them down into smaller goals! You have to be able to have...