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To be honest...

Pittsburgh fitness coach, Beachbody, at home fitness, weight loss, easy recipes, family fitness, Bodi, mom, fitness, fit mom, fitness partner, Bodi partner, coach, pcos, Lifestyle Inspiration Creativity Wellness Fitness Mom Partner Influencer Authentic Connection Empowered Brand Monetize Instagram Anxiety PCOS Affiliate

To be honest...

In 2011 when I joined this opportunity I did not know one thing about business, networking, fitness or nutrition! I was just a mom living what she thought was the life. Waking at 4am to go to her teaching job, come home exhausted and having to take care of her toddlers and family!

The cycle of insanity was stopped when I realized there was more to my life and life in general than living the life I thought was my purpose!

I found out what a vision was and how to dream big, all by finding myself through fitness and eating right!

I’m so passionate about coaching (being a partner), because of the way this has changed my life, enriched my family and completely transformed where we’re headed. To say it’s a blessing is an understatement. When you are able to serve others and show how something can change their life, it makes you realize what your purpose is. So, here I am sharing from my heart…

What is coaching?

Being a partner is more than just a paycheck. It’s the community, helping other’s take small steps toward their goals… seeing that smile on their face and song in their heart when they finally feel AMAZING in their own skin. We start out by working on us, our own journey- share that with others, and then help them help others! This is all about friends helping friends and creating a community of people you want to surround yourself with. 

Join Our Team

If anything spoke to you in those videos, fill out this form for a spot on our team within this amazing opportunity that can change your life from fitness to financial!