How to Burn off the Halloween Candy

So you indulged in a few pieces of candy last night, what’s the plan now? It’s easy to do consume those fun-sized candy bars, but one usually turns into more than one, but now it’s time to burn that Halloween candy off!! Check out the chart below for some fun...

Non-Candy Halloween Treats

What do you give to trick-or-treaters on Halloween? I mean candy, right? Well, that’s the tradition and what the kids are hoping for, but there are other alternatives to candy that the kids would still get excited about. Check out the link below for 15 Non Candy Halloween Treats your...

Breakfast Banana Muffins

Have any bananas leftover from the week that are overripe? If you answered yes, then you have to check out the next recipe… Breakfast Banana Muffins. Muffins can be loaded with very unhealthy ingredients and full of calories, but this recipe is not only healthy it tastes just like banana...

The Ultimate Portion Fix

In 2014, Autumn Calabrese introduced the portion control containers to help with our nutrition for the 21 Day Fix program. After 4 years and much research, Autumn has created the Ultimate Portion Fix being released in Spring of 2019!! “I’ve learned so much, and we’ve fine-tuned how to get the...

Benefits of Spinach

Fun fact: Since spinach is a leafy green, some may think it is related to the lettuce family, but did you know that Spinach belongs to the amaranth family and is related to beets and quinoa? Spinach is extremely healthy for you and has many health benefits, some listed below....

Eating Healthy on a Budget

Eating healthy doesn’t have to cost a fortune and with a little planning ahead, you really could fill your refrigerator and pantry with many delicious, clean foods!! The following article suggests 5 ways to eat healthy on a budget. We all have heard “you are what you eat”, so why...

Whole 30 Week 2 in Review with Meal Plan

Whole 30 Week 2 in Review... This week had its ups and downs...   Week 2 started out great! I felt amazing, still had a cough.. and by wednesday (day 10) I was off to the Urgent Care (DR) because my son started the cough and I needed to be...

Gobble Gobble Without The Wobble Challenge

Thanksgiving is approaching, Can you believe the year 2016 is almost over??? Where has time gone? Honestly, Have you reached every New Years Resolution you made for yourself? Yes? Well good for you! HOORAY!!!! No, we shouldn't be celebrating? Well, why not? We still have 11 weeks left of the...