Self respect. How many of us can say that we have legitimate respect for ourselves? What is it that gets in our way daily from truly believing in us as strong, worthy humans? For me, I have always struggled with people pleasing. Making sure everyone else's needs were...
Top 5 Tips: Fitness Success
Today I would love to chat Goals and how you can reach them, but you know what- thats for another day... Today is going to be my top 5 tips on how to succeed when you are on your fitness journey! #1: Support: You have to have support, whether it...
Insanity Max 30
Be the first to find out all about Insanity Max 30!!! Add yourself to the mailer =) Insanity MAX 30 Mailer Name: Email: We respect your email privacy Email Marketing by AWeber Insanity MAX 30 Mailer Name: Email: We respect your email privacy Email Marketing by AWeber
The cool thing about PiYo is that it's our first program that systematically addresses three different areas of fitness: 1) Flexibility 2) Strength 3) Cardio There's nothing else like it and with our mission of helping people achieve their goals to enjoy healthy fulfilling lives, I'm hoping this reaches someone...