2017 Health Bet

I would love to share some amazing information with you! Are you ready to hear this???
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Beachbody is running a Health Bet- basically you workout and drink shakeology Daily and you will enter to win up to $3 million dollars… now let me break that down for you!

1. You have to join me on the My Challenge Tracker App and be a customer on Team Beachbody with Vaild Name and Address (for them to send you your winnings).

2. You will have to log 5 shakeology’s per week.
3. You will have to log 3 workouts per week.
4. The contest runs from Jan 9th-Feb 5th. Each week ends at 11:59 pm EST Sundays (1/15, 1/22, 1/29 & 2/5)
In order to qualify to win a share of the Beachbody Health Bet prize pool, participants must meet all of the requirements of 1-4.
failure, success, fall down, get back up, motivation, inspiration, fitness, health, help, small goals, set backs, struggles, life happens, sick, how to get back on track, how to keep going, how to be you, how to live a fit life, support

How amazing does that sound? I am super excited! Last round, everyone walked away with close to $17 just for staying accountable and getting results!

I will also be running giveaways throughout the period for you to enter and win- just for showing up =)

If you are interested in joining me and our team. Just simply email me at nminton24@gmail.com with the subject HEALTH BET or fill out this little form! http://bit.ly/2017support



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