Why should we drink Green Tea?? The Health and Weight Loss Benefits

Green Tea- Green tea has some totally awesome benefits! It helps to stave off hunger and gives you a natural boost of energy. You can find flavored green tea if you want something sweeter. But the warmth this time of year makes me feel all cozy! Plus it does suppress appetite!...

$1,000 Beachbody Winner: Stephanie M. for Transforming her BODY!

My Stats BEFORE AFTER Weight 227 140 Dress/Pants Size 18 4 Waist 36 28 Hips 45 36 Chest 42 32 Right Arm 16 11 Left Arm 16 11.5 Right Thigh 19 18 Left Thigh 19 18 Body Fat % 36 20 Blood Pressure 121/83 117/75 as-of 08/02/2011 Stephanie M. Lost 87 lbs....

Challenger to Coach- Insanity

Emily Labriola's Insanity Results! Emily started as one of my Challenges in my March 90 Days to Summer Bootcamp Challenge Group and found the amazing effect of the Challenge Group and Accountability!!! She did Insanity and Shakeology throughout the whole challenge and hasn't quit!  She was one of my leaders...