So I have been sick for the past 6 days, hence there has been no posts or blogs lately! I do apologize! But I figured what better post to bring me back than to help you understand why you should not exercise while being sick and what to do to...
Welcome to Workout Wednesday!!!!
Welcome to workout Wednesday!!! I am excited to share the weekly workout with you! Have you been to my website before or is this your first time? Well I welcome you to the workout along with fitness tips and advice that have got me where I am since my Journey...
Transform Your Life in 10 simple Steps
Yesterday I gave you the tip on clean eating (Day 1 of the 10 Days to a NEW you!) Day 2 is today and I will give you Step 2 on how to transform your life through health and fitness. If you follow these 10 tips in the 10 days...
9-11 Tribute: Workout of a Lifetime
Today being 9/11 it is a heart filled day. There are many reasons today is so touching and for many people around the world and our country! I remember being in American History, sophomore of High School- not understanding exactly what was going on, but knowing this was a very...
Want a new FREE WORKOUT? Workout where you can!
How many times do you find yourself in the kids play room and not able to go press play on the TV or you have a sick baby and cannot make it to the gym? OR just have such a busy life that you have NO TIME for YOU!? Well...
15 Tips to help you stay on track to Reach YOUR MOMENT
Take your training to the next level – whether that means upping your game by signing up for an extreme challenge or just getting off the couch and into your workout shoes for the first time. I'll be here to guide and support you along your journey by providing expert...