Friend me Friday!!!!

Tip #5 to a new you is find someone to be accountable to! On your journey you will find alot of people that will put your lifestyle down and be negative, but you need to find that 1 person that will help you stay true to you and your goals! Is that just to push you with your goals, do the workouts with you, or just ask you how you are doing?



Friends are supposed to lift you up, not bring you down! So find that motivational, inspiring friend, that is just going to push you along- praise you for your new lifestyle- and help you along the way!!! If you would like I would love to help you on your journey! I have several support groups where we hold each other accountable and encourage you to keep going! I love when I get new faces and I LOVE seeing the success of others!!! Friend me on Facebook and send me a message or comment below so we can touch base!!!!


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Call To Action/ Assignment:

  1. Write Down 5 goals you want to accomplish within the next 30 days!
  2. Break Down those 5 goals into WEEKLY goals on how you will achieve the “big goal” (you should now have 10-25 things listed)
  3. Take those goals and set up to do 5 per day and see how fast you can reach your goals!
  4. Write down 5 names of people you feel are your biggest supporters and ask them to help you stay accountable!
  5. Get into a group text or meet up once a week to stay true to your goals, FOR YOU!

Comment Below what your goals are! I would love to help you stay accountable! The more you say them out loud and write them down to see them, the more accountable and more likely you will be to reaching those goals!


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  1. […] support both physically and emotionally, daily accountability check ins, and finally a sense of friendship and community.  The group helps you push yourself past your limits with others doing the same programs just like […]

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