If you are content with yourself, keep doing you…. If you would like to see a BETTER YOU, CHANGE WHAT YOUR DOING!!!!
When you want something bad enough you will do the things that will get you there! If that means wake up early, go to bed later, sacrifice sleep or your TV shows, its all about HOW BAD YOU WANT CHANGE!!!
In the last 6 1/2 years of my journey I have wanted change so bad, as bad as I wanted to breath! Here are some tips to help you change your current state or what you want!
- Change your routine.- Whether you need to wake up earlier or go to bed later.
- Get someone to keep you accountable.- Share your goals with a spouse/significant other, a friend/coworker.
- Change the scenery.- If your house is dark- lighten it up, if you are working out at the gym, start at home.
- Get something that will motivate you.- smaller shirt, swimsuit, new workout clothes/shoes.
- PLAN AND PREP.- Plan each week out, when you’ll workout, what you’ll eat. and prepare for it! Set you workout clothes out the night before/take them to work and wear them home. Prep your meals, breakfast-snacks-lunches-dinners. YES YOU CAN PREP IT ALL!
You can’t change if you continue to do the things you’ve been doing that are not changing you!!!!
do you need help?? REACH OUT! @ nminton24@gmail.com <<< Erase the doubt and fill this out!>>>>