Elevating Performance: The Link Between Health, Fitness, And Professional Excellence

I only take these photos for progress… for Myself…I only share them as accountability… for myself…I still have body dysmorphia… I still dislike what the eye sees… but the trauma this body has gone through brings me tears….I am here… I am showing up… and if I can, YOU CAN...

Meet Amy Fabriziani

Meet Amy. "Hi! I am Amy! I’m not superhuman, have super powers or am different than the mom next door, the friend dropping their kid off at one practice then run to pick up the other kid across town at their practice or the wife trying to have a nice...

Meet Michelle Benson

"For as long as I can remember I have always been told you’re so lucky you’re skinny!!! But the truth is I never felt lucky I felt guilty:( Guilty at the fact that I watched so many of my friends struggle with their weight and in high school would go...

Meet Abby Gelotte

Meet Abby. "I moved back to Pennsylvania in 2008 and I weighed 135. I was a fitness Nazi in the Air Force. I then started to gain weight while working in the ER and eating cafeteria food or ordering out with the docs. I got to 163 then I started...

Meet Karli Ciocco

Meet Karli. "I started my journey in January of 2015. I was completely overweight, unhappy, unhealthy, & simply uncomfortable in my own skin. I’m a Mom of 4 and I was always putting myself last, which most Moms do. I started to quickly realize that in order to pour into...