Clean Eating is something most don't understand! They may think it is just eating healthy or eating fruits and veggies, but in reality it is all about what is in your food that makes it "clean"! 1 thing about Clean eating is making sure you are eating REAL food, nothing...
New Years Resolutions: Beat the Gym and do it at Home!!!
Don't waste your money on a gym membership this New Years! Take your money you would invest into getting out of the house, driving to the gym- in any weather... and put it towards the most effective and time saving programs! Beachbody programs have been proven to give you results!...
Challenger to Coach- Insanity
Emily Labriola's Insanity Results! Emily started as one of my Challenges in my March 90 Days to Summer Bootcamp Challenge Group and found the amazing effect of the Challenge Group and Accountability!!! She did Insanity and Shakeology throughout the whole challenge and hasn't quit! She was one of my leaders...