Want a new FREE WORKOUT? Workout where you can!

How many times do you find yourself in the kids play room and not able to go press play on the TV or you have a sick baby and cannot make it to the gym?  OR just have such a busy life that you have NO TIME for YOU!? Well guess what? I will be giving you a weeks worth of workouts EACH wednesday….


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Are you looking for something intense or just something to get moving? Try this workout for the next week and let me know how it goes!

TRY THIS FOR 1 WEEK: (then come back next week for a new weekly workout)

Day 1: 50 jumping jacks, 25 crunches, 20 lunges (each leg), 10 tricep dips, 25 bicycle crunches, 15 squats, 10 standing calf raises (each leg), 30 sec plank, 10 push ups, and then REPEAT

Day 2: Do each workout for 30 seconds with 10 second rest in between: Mountain Climbers, High Jumps, Squat and touch floor, Scissor Kick Crunches, Burpees, Oblique Side plank (both sides), Jump Squat, and High Knees

Day 3: 75 jumping jacks, 30 crunches, 25 lunges (each leg), 15 tricep dips, 35 bicycle crunches, 20 squats,  50 russian twists, 45 sec plank, 15 push ups, and then REPEAT

Day 4: Do each workout for 45 seconds with 15 second rest in between: Mountain Climbers, High Jumps, Squat and touch floor, Scissor Kick Crunches, Burpees, Oblique Side plank (both sides), Jump Squat, and High Knees

Day 5: 100 jumping jacks, 50 crunches, 40 lunges (each leg), 20 oblique push ups (total), 50 bicycle crunches, 30 squats, 20 standing calf raises (each leg), 2min plank, 20 push ups, and then REPEAT

Day 6: Do each workout for 1 minute with 20 second rest in between: Mountain Climbers, High Jumps, Squat and touch floor, Scissor Kick Crunches, Burpees, Oblique Side plank (both sides), Jump Squat, and High Knees

Day 7: REST


Did you complete the workout each day? Did you struggle and have to take breaks? THAT IS OK!!! When you start something new you have to get in the rhythm of doing it, you will get stronger and you will conquer it next week! If you need it to be more intense add an extra set or do each workout until you are sore =)


I love fitness and I know being a mom or super busy it is hard to make time for us, but this is a start- you can do it any where and by day 4 you will know the workout without looking at a sheet or the screen! YOU GOT THIS!!!



Looking for more tips to getting fit? Message me at nminton24@gmail.com or subscribe to the newsletter below!



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One Comment

  1. […] at home fitness programs that you can do from 10-25 min a day or even longer! I can recommend a free workout plan. It all comes down to WHAT YOU WANT! How bad you are willing to work for it and what it will take […]

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