Success can and will be determined by how you look at life! To you want to live in your past or do you want to plan a future? You have the choice to live how you want to!
Today I want to help you live your life by being the motivation, choosing the right path, and having something to look forward to!
Step 1: Choose a WHY, Why do you want to live a better life, Why do you want to be successful, WHY do you want to be healthy and live a fulfilling life…. That is the Question you have to ask yourself and respond…. Write out your response!
My WHY to be successful is to Lead a positive and healthy environment for my children so they know they can live and do whatever they put their mind too!
Step 2: Set out goals: whether you are setting out goals for your future, your life, your business, your fitness… Make a List of 10 and follow them through! I like to say reverse engineer them! So if you want to lose 10 lbs in 4 weeks, that is 2.5 lbs a week- what do you need to do daily to lose that weight? Workout every day and eat 5-6 small meals a day—follow the stripped plan! Weight yourself once a week, same day and time to check your progress! Join accountability group! Or if it is a business goal to get 5 coaches to join your team this month, how will you recruit them? #1 thats 1 coach every 6 days, #2 advertise and invite those you know who would rock as coaches, #3 start a coach camp!
Step 3: Find Accountability for your Success: get with someone or a group of people that have similar goals as you! being a beachbody coach I have several groups that keep me accountable! 1 for my fitness, challenge group! and a 2nd for my business, coach camp!
When I was finally tired of the excuses and wanted change in my life- I committed! I gave it my all and this is how the life i chose has turned out so far!!!! I think its pretty darn good =)
Wan to be a apart of my next coach camp? Apply NOW so I can help you become successful!