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Are you 100% committed to your Goals? | Nikki Kuban Minton

Are you 100% committed?

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Whether you are in the corporate world or in you are in the Beachbody world, you have goals, places you want to go, and things you want to achieve right? Well ask yourself, Am I committed? Am I 100% in? Am I doing the daily activities that I want my team to do to succeed?

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What is holding you back? I know for myself I am holding myself back, my fear of success, fear of failure, I could be further if I didn’t get comfortable! Being ok with where I am is one thing but not helping lead my team is something different! I want to help my team succeed, so I have to grow in that area!

If you have followers, you need to be 100%, 100% of the time… you need to show them the struggles you go through, you need to be real, and you need to lead by example— It’s do as I do… not just do as I say!

Holding an accountability  group has helped me stay 100% on track! Writing down my goals, sharing them, asking for advice, and leading my team by leading myself in the right direction! It may look pretty, and it may not feel good at that moment— but if that is what you want and what you need to do then DO IT!

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do you need help reaching goals? health and fitness or beachbody business? Comment below or contact me! fb.com/nikki.kubanminton  nminton24@gmail.com



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