It's not always easy to stay motivated, working out can be tough, especially when you're first starting out. But it's important to stay motivated if you want to see results. Here are five tips to stay motivated when working out: Set realistic goals. One of the best ways to stay...
Virtual Badges on BOD
Did you hear that Beachbody introduced virtual badges through BOD?? These are achievement badges that you can earn after completing certain categories. “Beachbody awards virtual badges for four categories: Total Workouts, Total Shakeology, Total Rides, and Program Completion.” What a great motivator to help anyone on their fitness journey!! Check...
Track your Progress
Tip #4 to the success of a NEW YOU! TRACK your progress! Track what you eat at every meal and how much water you are drinking per day! When you track your measurements and "goodbye" photos, you can SEE the physical change! When you track your workouts you can...