Transform your inner beauty!

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Often times we find ourselves worrying about the outside of our body, neglecting the inside! Our health is probably #1 concern for many Americans today! Transform the inner beauty and then the outside!


Unknown-4 copyHow can we transform the inner beauty you ask? Simple, start with your nutrition! What are you eating today? Did it come from a box, does it have sugar, and is it processed with artificial ingredients or flavoring? If you commented yes to this question then you need to start with the basics of Clean Eating to help you get on track! 80% of our results come from a healthy diet, not diet as in starve yourself, diet as in what you eat daily (5-6x a day!)


Next, Make sure your inside are getting the proper amount of Vitamins and Nutrients! How many of you supplement your body with multivitamins everyday? That is fine and most of us need extra vitamins in our system, but if you could supplement 1 meal with your multivitamin and energy drink (or caffeine) would you? Have you ever heard of Shakeology? I consider it a MUST have for everyone! It is not a protein shake, it is not just a meal replacement, it is your health in a glass! It have vitamins, nutrients, amino acids, antioxidants, superfoods, and all in 1 glass, once a day! You can’t beat drinking a shake (that tastes like a smoothie or milkshake-depending on flavor) versus taking pills! Atleast I can’t! It breaks down to $4.35/ shake and covers a meal and cup of coffee, or your daily starbucks!


Simple nutrition is simple math! One thing I have found that has helped with the Inside and maximizes the results to get is working on the outside, exercise! But don’t FOCUS on that, focus on your inner beauty to transform the outside!!!

What is one thing that you know has benefited the inside of your body? Post Below, I love hearing how Health and Beauty mingle!

Need more information on Shakeology? [button link=”” type=”big” color=”red”] Read More Here[/button]

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