If you are wanting to adopt a healthier lifestyle but don’t know where to start, creating a wellness routine is the perfect way to begin. A wellness routine is prioritizing things in your life as well as creating a schedule of healthy habits, such as meal plans, workouts, and self-care...
Meditation… Why should it be a part of your daily life?
Do you meditate? How often do you meditate? Where do you meditate? Meditation can be very important for you and it’s a “valuable tool to help you deal with the stress of daily life.” If you struggle with the stresses of life, you might want to check out this article...
Vegan Eating 101: Vital Vitamins
When it comes to getting many of the vitamins essential to human life, vegans win. Fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds are packed with these fabulous micronutrients so vegans, by definition, consume a lot of them. There are studies indicating vegans average a vitamin C intake that's 50% higher than non-vegetarians....