Yes, Shaun T has come out with a new program and it is going to TRANSFORM your BODY AND LIFE!
I would love to let you know of the amazing deals starting today!
VIP Access to Shaun T’s newest program is available today, which means- you will get 2 free prep workouts starting next Tuesday, and the program in your BOD library on January 14th when everyone else has to wait until April 2019. PLUS a year of access to EVERY other workout we have starting TODAY.
The sooner you commit- the better you are as securing your step before they sell out!!!! I know with our last launch of 80 Day Obsession we ran out of slides and bands- that was crazy… so secure your step to get started on January 14th with us!!!
I will be holding a group, so if you are ready- let me know and we can get your cart created and I will get you a spot in our group!