Transformation Tuesday

Transformation Tuesday… Congratulations to Charna M. who lost 12 lbs. in 60 days with Ultimate Portion Fix, Beachbody workouts, and Beachbody supplements!! “One of my biggest struggles is being an overeater and loving sweets. But I honestly can’t believe how differently I’m eating now. Like, who am I?? Being mindful of what’s going into my body has been making the biggest difference. Spending time using the portion-control containers and having an actual visual of what I should be eating and has made me realize that I’m eating too much of some things (peanut butter) but not enough of others (fruits). Drinking Shakeology was an easy way to sneak in a fruit and extra greens, and the best part was using it to attack my late-night cravings by pretending it was ice cream! This is something my family and I will continue to do in our everyday lives and an important lesson I’ll continue to teach my children!” Way to go, Charna!!



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