One Year Ago today I COMMITTED to P90X and Shakeology! I was MISERABLE with who I was, what I saw in the mirror, and everyone around me! I was DEPRESSED, Angry, and a MEAN PERSON! I was in a dark hole of my life and it was not fair to the ones around me, the people that mattered the most, my family, husband, and most of all MY CHILDREN! Because I was so miserable with myself I took it out on EVERYONE around me, everything and anything someone around me did was wrong or bothered me! I would fight with my husband for NO reason, yell at my kids for BEING KIDS, and argue with my parents and family over something STUPID!
This past year has been a LIFE CHANGER!!! I have met some AMAZING people who all care about the same thing- Health and Fitness! I started my journey with P90X and saw awesome results and then decided to do Insanity (i didn’t lose a pound but lost inches)! I saw so much support throughout our team that no matter if I had a slip up or a down day, which I had MANY, they were all still there to push me back up and help me through the journey! I say a journey because its not something that happens over night! Yes I was excited about what was to come, but it took work to change my attitude! I would be negative and still said mean things until I started seeing myself change! This was a physical and mental journey, I just did not know yet! I honestly believe that you SUCCEED when you have SUPPORT and when you surround yourself with LIKE-MINDED people!!!
This is when I started feeling COMFORTABLE in my skin! I was helping others reach their fitness goals and started Inspiring my family! This was a huge STEP in my journey! To do it for yourself or your family is one thing, but when you INSPIRE others to do the same thing it makes ALL of the STRUGGLES worth it! I have learnt some valuable lessons from different foods, the body equation, to what really matters and how staying consistent it what make the difference!
Nutrition 80%+ Exercise 10% + Genes 10%= YOUR BEAUTIFUL BODY!!!
I have since done some HipHop Abs, Brazil Butt Lift, Turbofire, AND Insanity Asylum at Fit Clubs. BUT I have also Completed P90X2 and now on day 27 of ChaLean Extreme!
Because this journey has made me a stronger person and aware of my body! I can help others achieve their HIGHEST POTENTIAL!!! I am willing to help you get fit and healthy and inspire those around you! If you cannot do it for yourself, do it for your loved ones! I GUARANTEE IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!!!!

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[…] This is something that has worked for me! Being a mom of 2 it is very hard to get out of the house period but then to bundle the kids up or even just find time that my husband would be home at the same time as me was not in the cards! So I had to find something that was going to work for me because I needed to lose 30 lbs and feel confident in my own skin! This was my solution and I hope Beachbody will be yours as well! […]