Imagine living a healthier life because of the women you surround yourself with!!!! The more you get to be you, is because the more close female friendships you have, and that makes me feel AMAZING!!!!
Join a community of women who lift you up, not tear you down! Surround yourself with women who build you up and hype you when you’re around, not talk behind your back!
Yes being a stay at home mom is hard…
Yes working full time is hard…
Yes doing both is hard AF!!!!
So mommas this is why I created this online community, so we can stick together 🫶🏼
Calling all hard-working mommas who are go-getters in mom life, but feel stunted in your professional life! If you’ve been dreaming of an escape from corporate constraints to become a boss in charge of your own income, schedule and future – this one’s for you.
As a mom myself, I know how demoralizing it feels being forced to squeeze your big ambitions into an ill-fitting 9-5 box that’s not meant for us. Trading precious family time to make someone else’s dreams a reality while yours collect dust. It’s a grind that slowly chips away at your soul, momma.
But what if I told you there’s a path to building a business entirely on your own terms, without any office politic BS? One where you call the shots, set your schedule and unlock unlimited income potential – all while rocking it as a present mom too!
Whether you’re focusing on your own personal fitness journey and waking up sore, tired, or just unmotivated, it is still time to work on YOU!
You are the best version of yourself when you show up for you! Your goals and dreams are waiting for you! No matter where you are, no matter what you’re doing today/tomorrow/the next day…. You are capable and worthy of reaching those goals…
Goals are a stepping stone to where you want to go, you’ll surprise yourself one day!!!
Everything we do starts with us and leads to helping other momma’s make themselves a priority! Are you with me?

“I’m a mom to two littles. With my second pregnancy, I gained a significant amount of weight … I had started going to the gym, and then COVID happened… and I felt like everything was out of my control. Since gyms were closed, I was at a loss with what to do until a friend (my coach Anika Blake) shared on Facebook about her journey with Beachbody and her physical/mental results from it. She was about to start her first accountability group. Her optimism and personal results inspired me to join, and I am so thankful that I did! I realized the one thing I could control was how I treated my body. And with social distancing and feeling alone at that time, being a part of a group online was so perfect to feel ‘social’ and stay motivated. Currently I’ve lost over 80 lbs. I have definition in my arms, legs, shoulders, and a fitter core. My clothes fit differently, and I’m in sizes I’ve neverfit into before. I went from a 2X to a size medium, some shirts even size small!”