Drop the flipping diet culture and join the STRONG AF culture!!!!
I use to starve myself, use cardio machines to burn what little calories I ate, and try to get as small as possible- when I had kids my body said NOPE! And I had to pivot into what I was doing, because I couldn’t raise babies on zero energy!
I started prioritizing my health and found a better way to get results while fueling my body with a super food shake that has Cordyceps in it- don’t know what that is?! Well it’s an adaptogen that helps fatigue aka GIVES YOU ENERGY, helps give oxygen to the brain during workouts- HELPS WITH ENDURANCE, anti-aging- YES PLEASE, and can help fight inflammation- LESS PUFFY.. who couldn’t use this? And it’s in a yummy shake 🤤
Something I have learned over the years… skinny won’t get you anywhere but in a smaller clothing size 🙃Strong will get you carrying all your groceries in one trip, lifting cases of water from your car to house, lifting pool covers, carrying anything you need without help! Lifting and becoming stronger has given me the ability to be more independent then I have ever been (and I’m pretty independent if I can toot my own horn🙄)But honestly: eat to fuel your body and workouts, lift weight so strength your body, and let go of anything out there saying you don’t need to lift weights and eat!
THERE IS A BETTER WAY, and I found it!!!! It’s your time to join the movement 👊🏻
No matter if you are here for the FITNESS side or you truly want to build a business because you want MORE…. There is a simpler way and I have found it! This has been the best culture to create my community of LIFEstyle….
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