Transformation Tuesday

Transformation Tuesday… Congratulations to Natasha who lost 100 lbs. in 102 days with Morning Meltdown 100, Ultimate Portion Fix, Shakeology, and Beachbody Performance supplements. “Before starting Morning Meltdown 100, I felt embarrassed about how I looked. I did not want to go out in public or be in photos with my kids. I felt ashamed that I had gained so much weight. I was tired all the time and just unhappy and depressed. I. LOVE. JERICHO! I love how she is so positive and relatable and badass at the same time. I want to be her when I grow up. I love that she doesn’t get all mushy gushy in the workouts and just pushes you to do your personal best for each move. Physically, I have lost so much weight my face is almost unrecognizable. I look forward to my morning workouts every day. I feel like now that I have finished 100 workouts I can do anything!” Way to go, Natasha!! 



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