Transformation Tuesday… Congratulations to Sandra U. who lost 20 lbs. in 8 months with #mbf/a ,LIIFT4, 2B Mindset, and Beachbody Performance Energize + Recover. “I was introduced to Beachbody the summer of 2020 as I watched my daughter-in-law melt away the inches with her workouts & new way of eating. So I asked her what she was doing. She told me about Beachbody and 2B Mindset. That was the turning point. I knew I could do this… I loved how Megan [Davies] walks you through the workouts. She is so encouraging. And 2B Mindset is a life-changing nutritional program with built-in flexibility, which worked for my lifestyle. It only took me about 3 months to get down to my goal weight and a few months later I was the lightest I have been in forever. I continue to work out & follow 2B Mindset. In the past, before this journey, my diet would revert back to my old habits and the weight would pile back on like an endless cycle of up and down fluctuation. But now, I’m still in my smaller clothes and I feel good just about every day. I like eating healthy. This journey is not over, as I said before it’s a lifestyle change. I love my new lifestyle. Thanks to Beachbody!” Way to go, Sandra!!
Transformation Tuesday