Track your Progress

Tip #4 to the success of a NEW YOU! TRACK your progress! Track what you eat at every meal and how much water you are drinking per day!



  • When you track your measurements and “goodbye” photos, you can SEE the physical change!
  • When you track your workouts you can see how hard you are pushing and progress you are making after each workout- whether it is lasting longer, less breaks, or even heavier weights!
  • When you track what you eat, you can see where you need to change things if you are not seeing progress! When you write down everything you eat- you will see if you need to up your protein or veggies or even lower sugar or dairy! This way you can see it even though your body knows what is going in it!


Track it from day 1, measure weekly or even every 30 days to see where you are seeing the change most and what you need to change up for the next month to get better results or stay on track!





I use a plain journal composition book! Some people track calories on and some people use their account to track their physical progress



Comment Below if you have a great way to track that has worked well for you! I love to hear other ideas and tips =)



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