Diet fads are all around us and gain popularity like anything else. If you are looking to lose weight, you might be eyeing up the CICO diet… have you heard of it? CICO stands for “calories in, calories out”. A simple concept basically meaning if you eat fewer calories than...
Your Guide to Making Healthy Food Choices
“You can’t out train a bad diet. Translation: No matter how hard you exercise, if you don’t make healthy food choices, you’ll sabotage all that hard work.” Making healthy food choices is not only important in your weightloss journey, it can actually be quite easy with a few tips and...
15 Tips to help you stay on track to Reach YOUR MOMENT
Take your training to the next level – whether that means upping your game by signing up for an extreme challenge or just getting off the couch and into your workout shoes for the first time. I'll be here to guide and support you along your journey by providing expert...