Have you ever felt nauseous after a workout? Whether you just ended or are half way through, sometimes our bodies start to feel a little uneasy… Why does this happen and how can I avoid it? Well, there are a few reasons for this loss of energy and feelings of...
How to Tell if You’re Really Hungry
Do you ever eat even when you are not hungry? Maybe out of boredom, stress, or even because others are eating around you. So, how can you tell if you are really hungry or just eating to eat? Listening to your body and understanding hungry cues would be a great...
6 Alternative Moves to Push-Ups
A push-up is “a highly functional movement that works the entire upper body, including the arms, chest, shoulders, core, using just your bodyweight.” Let’s be honest though, push-ups can be hard and not everyone can or should do a standard push-up. The good news is there are alternatives to doing...
What You Need to Know About Wrist Pain
Wrist pain can be a common problem for many due to the amount of use your hands and wrists get. Carpal tunnel seems to be a culprit for some, but for others there is no explanation. Maybe by understanding carpal tunnel syndrome, you may be able to understand your own...
6 Signs You Need to Listen to Your Body
Listening to your body's cues is very important and is something I think a lot of us don’t take the time to do in our “go-go-go world”!! Our bodies tell us when there is something wrong or we need to slow down and rest. Listening to our bodies “helps you...