No to Meal Replacement Shakes, WHY?

A fellow coach brought this point up and I thought it was GREAT! So many times I hear ” I don’t want to drink a meal” “i like food” “i want to chew my food” hey guess what ME TOO!

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SO….Let’s talk about Chewing!
I hear the argument from people that they won’t drink a meal replacement shake because they want to chew their food. Fine, chew your food. Here’s my position.
apple, nutrition, food, fuel your body, eat clean, clean eating, healthy, beachbody coach, beachbody, balanced meal, complex meal

apple, nutrition, food, fuel your body, eat clean, clean eating, healthy, beachbody coach, beachbody, veggies, shakeology, healthiest meal of the day

1) If you are efficiently eating to fuel your body, you are eating about 6 meals a day. Why can’t you chew 5 of those times and drink 1?
2) If you say you need to chew your food and are in the fitness industry – can you honestly say you NEVER drink a protein or meal replacement shake? Don’t take any recovery drinks?
3) If you want to chew your food, how MUCH food you gonna chew to get many of the missing vitamins, minerals, probiotics, prebiotics, phytonutrients in your food? Even a strict clean diet is missing A LOT of what our bodies need to thrive, live longer, have more energy, clean out.
4) So you don’t supplement? Just veggies, herbs, fruits, grains, and protein sources? You don’t take a vitamin, add any supplements to your diet plan?
apple, nutrition, food, fuel your body, eat clean, clean eating, healthy, beachbody coach, beachbody, , shakeology, healthiest meal of the day, meal replacement, vitamins
If you are complaining about something and that you are tired of feeling like X and not achieving the results you want- then keep doing what you are doing. Keep chewing. Because I chew all day, and I drink 1 freakin fantastic yummy shake that curbs my cravings, cleans out my cells, allows me to function to the highest of my ability like the best oil change in the world. Everyday, I get an oil change.
In the fitness industry, and you want to look and feel fit and healthy right?- “Shakes” are like water, it’s normal to drink a shake.
apple, nutrition, food, fuel your body, eat clean, clean eating, healthy, beachbody coach, beachbody, shakeology, veggies, healthiest meal of the day
I also hate having to always prepare something to eat. What happens when nothing is prepared- go grab some carbs or even worse junk. Shakes have SAVED me in many situations where I can’t get quality food. It’s not about chewing to enjoy food, you are fueling your body.
Now will you reconsider drinking one meal a day? Try it for 1 month before you say no, that is a joke… because I can GUARANTEE you will LOVE IT!!!! There is a variety of flavor and ways to spruce it up to your liking, how will you make it!?!?!

[button link=”” type=”big” color=”orange”] Try it NOW[/button]



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