Fitspiration Friday… Congratulations to Issac S. who lost 72 lbs. in 9 months with 6 Weeks of THE WORK, 4 Weeks of THE PREP, LIIFT4, 10 Rounds, P90X, P90X3, and Beachbody Performance Energize + Recover. “LIIFT4 and 10 Rounds helped me kick start everything to get back into fitness. They’re good for beginners and Joel is a great trainer. I love the lifting mixed with HIIT and core at the end of his workouts. 10 Rounds really got my core going and was just so much fun that I forgot I was working out. 6 Weeks of The Work is the hardest program I’ve ever done. … Amoila is the best Beachbody trainer hands down and he pushes you to the max every day! Overall, my energy has skyrocketed! I feel confident in myself like I can accomplish anything that comes my way. I’m finally getting a little bit of bicep muscles, which is nice, because I’ve always been the skinny arm guy. My next goal is to get my abs back in time for summer.” Way to go, Issac!!
Fitspiration Friday