Anxiety and Depression


#Anxiety and #Depression

Did you know anxiety and depression can be caused by MANY things?!? 

☀️ Weather (seasonal depression)
🌈 Life 
🤰🏼 Pregnancy (during and after) 
😭 Loss, grief, death
💪🏼 Physical Health 
🤝 Relationships
🙅🏼‍♀️ Menstrual Cycle 
🧬 Genetic 

I was unaware of the Menstrual Cycle one 🤯 seriously learn something new every day! 

Be aware of your body, go to the doctor if ANYTHING is off (says the girl who HATES the doctors)… sometimes we (especially women) can not control everything- we have a lot of things on our plate (i put high expectations on myself) and I know there are others out there that may be struggling too! 

Speak up!!!!! 

I know I have SAD, always have- I like sunshine and warmth (so in the winter my Vitamin D3 levels are SCARY low… so I have to supplement, sometimes not enough)… 

And as of late I found out I have PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) had no idea it was a thing until I went to my Gyne and told her about my sever pains, bloating as if I was 4 months pregnant, headaches, weight gain (or nothing happening) 😩, and sleepiness (SAD symptom as well) there are many more symptoms (i don’t have)… 

So needless to say, I’m not exaggerating with something being wrong, and I have a few more tests I have to have to rule out anything SERIOUS… but right now we have a little more awareness on what’s going on! 

Know your body and be your own voice!!!!

anxiety, depression, fitness coach, coach, advocate, be you, reach out, ask for help, SAD, PMDD



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