Transformation Tuesday… Congratulations to Frank Del Pizzo who lost 93 lbs. In 10 months with 10 Rounds, INSANITY MAX:30, MBF/A, 9 Week Control Freak, Ultimate Portion Fix, Shakeology, and Beachbody supplements. “I was 293 pounds, I had very low self-esteem, and my confidence level was at a very low point. Being a professional comedian, this made it really difficult to enjoy what I do. On March 12th, Covid-19 locked down the country and my business. I felt it was time to make a change. A friend introduced me to her coach, Michael Oehlmann. He set me up with a challenge pack for 10 Rounds with Shakeology. I like boxing and was very excited. I started the program and lost 23 pounds in the 6 weeks. I have then gone on to do Insanity Max 30 and other programs. I liked the way the videos are easy to access the trainers tell you just what to do. I like the length of the videos and how much gets done in that short time span. The results were incredible! Especially with the workouts being only 25 to 40 mins. I now have a physique. I am 57 years old and never thought that this could be possible for me. I went from a 3X shirt to a Large. I went from a 52 dress pants to a 36. I think the thing that I am most proud of is, since starting, I became a Coach and lots of people have joined me to start their fitness journey. I am most proud of that. I took my journey, and now am changing others’ lives. Thank you Beachbody for changing my life.” Way to go, Frank!!
Transformation Tuesday