Guava is on the April produce list, and honestly it’s one fruit that I don’t use much but not because I don’t like it, it’s just not top of mind when shopping for produce. Guava trees originated in Central America and the fruit is oval with a green/yellow skin with edible seeds. Guavas are filled with so many wonderful nutrients and minerals. Check out all the health benefits of guavas below… even the leaves of the fruit are used in herbal teas and the extract from the leaves are used as a supplement. Some of the reasons for the supplement are: lowering blood pressure; decreasing bad cholesterol, and increasing good cholesterol; decrease symptoms of painful menstruation, including cramps; reduce diarrhea and constipation; and help treat acne. Guavas are low in calories and loaded with fiber making them a great choice for healthy eating. I hope this helps introduce guavas to your diet!!
Health Benefits of Guava