Avoid Eating all the Halloween Candy!!!

Halloween is tomorrow, and resisting the temptation with all that candy in the house can be difficult. Before you start peeling those wrappers, take a look at the following 7 tips to avoid eating all the Halloween candy. It’s okay to treat yourself now and then, but if having all...

Transformation Tuesday

Transformation Tuesday… Congratulations to Judi Moore-Gwynne who lost 22.4 lbs. with a variety of Beachbody programs and Shakeology. At age 69, Judi lost 22.4 lbs. as well as 20 inches. She started slow using aerosol cans as weights until she was ready to move to heavier weights. Judi had a...

Fitspiration Friday

Fitspiration Friday… Congratulations to Jacqueline O. who lost 69.7 lbs. with Shakeology and multiple Beachbody programs. This is what Jaqueline had to say about Shakeology… “Shakeology has made the process of curbing my sweet tooth, and snack craving, easier than any other product.” Way to go, Jacqueline!!

Bacon and Spinach Quiche

There are many ways to prepare spinach and thousands of recipes using the green veggie. The following recipe is a great way to start the day off right, but does require some prepping. Bacon and Spinach Quiche uses hash browns, a gluten free crust, as the base. The inside toppings...

Meal Plan of the Week: Chalean Extreme Week 11

Plan to fail or fail to plan. That is the motto this week! With Easter this weekend I really have to make sure my eating is on point for the week and the only way to do that is to have my plan! I know I will be eating Ham...

2017 Health Bet

I would love to share some amazing information with you! Are you ready to hear this??? Beachbody is running a Health Bet- basically you workout and drink shakeology Daily and you will enter to win up to $3 million dollars... now let me break that down for you! 1. You...