ChaLEAN Extreme: Next on my WORKOUT to do list!

    Get ready to burn fat, boost your metabolism, and get lean with ChaLEAN Extreme®, the extreme workout system from Chalene Johnson. It’s a fact: The more lean muscle you have, the more fat you burn. You can lose up to 60% of your body fat in just 3...

GRAND OPENING: Orchard Hill Co-Ed BootCamp Fit Club!

GRAND OPENING of Orchard Hill Co-Ed Bootcamp Fit Club will be Monday March 19, 2012 @ 6:30pm   The Orchard Hill BootCamp fit club is the ultimate way to get in shape and stay healthy!  We workout to best selling High Intensity Beachbody fitness programs such as; Insanity, P90X, Insanity...

Spotlight on Shakeology ingredient: Biotin

Spotlight on Shakeology ingredient: Biotin. The primary role of biotin, also known as Vitamin H, is in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It plays a special role in enabling the body to use blood sugar (glucose), a major source of energy for body fluids. Biotin promotes normal health...

Stressed? Unwind- by Tonight!

  Stressed? Unwind- by Tonight! When you are relaxed, so is the rest of the family. Reclaim your calm with these moves for maxed-out moms or moms-to-be. If you were prone to stress before the love-marriage-baby-carriage days, it may have gotten worse now that you’re worrying for three, four, or...


HEY EVERYONE!!!!! As I am sure you ALL know by now, I am OBSESSED with P90X, Brazilian Butt Lift,  and Insanity (which are produced by a company called BEACHBODY)   Up until this point I have gotten in great shape through the use of their products!   Back in April...

Bring Out your INNER Bombshell!

Bring Out your INNER Bombshell! Be a Bombshell! "... a woman who exudes her LIGHT unto this world by actively pursues her greatest potential... and seeks to inspire others by walking the walk. A woman who is BEAUTIFUL, no matter her age, color, shape or size, but because she OWNS...

I Wish….

"I wish there were more hours in the day! I wish I lived in a state where there were more people who were health conscious!, I wish I lived with no worries! I wish, I wish, I wish! I need to DREAM BIG, so that I can no more WISH...