Summer Bodies are Made in Winter

It's about that time!!!! Swim Suits are in the stores and we are all planning our summer vacations! Where will you be going this summer??? Let's take off those bulky clothes and get into our workout gear and get working on our Summer bodes!!!! YOU CAN DO IT, IF YOU...

S.E.L.F. R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

    Self respect. How many of us can say that we have legitimate respect for ourselves? What is it that gets in our way daily from truly believing in us as strong, worthy humans? For me, I have always struggled with people pleasing. Making sure everyone else's needs were...

2017 Health Bet

I would love to share some amazing information with you! Are you ready to hear this??? Beachbody is running a Health Bet- basically you workout and drink shakeology Daily and you will enter to win up to $3 million dollars... now let me break that down for you! 1. You...