Why Does Breakfast Really Matter?

Mornings can be very hectic and busy, so making time for breakfast is probably not on the top of any list. Just getting out of the house on time is a struggle and breakfast usually consists of anything that can be grabbed. I’m sure some of you don’t even eat breakfast, but what you need to know is how skipping that meal can greatly impact your whole day. “According to researcher Heather Leidy, PhD, associate professor of nutritional sciences and pediatrics at the University of Texas, Austin, who studies the impact of meal-timing on the body, that first meal of the day — and specifically, what’s in it — is critical to curb hunger, reduce food cravings, and maintain better blood sugar control to prevent those “hangry” feelings throughout the day.” Check out the article below that explains why breakfast really does matter and how choosing the right meal can make a huge difference!!



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