“For as long as I can remember I have always been told you’re so lucky you’re skinny!!!
But the truth is I never felt lucky I felt guilty:( Guilty at the fact that I watched so many of my friends struggle with their weight and in high school would go to the gym with them while they sweat it out And I sat nearby cheering them on:( I felt out of place there… why because I felt like I was being judged for even stepping foot in the gym As I never needed to lose weight:(
I covered my body up most of my life and hid behind belts and hoodies… because I felt guilty That I never had to put hard work in to remain skinny

Many would look at me and think I was healthy And from the outside I probably looked that way but the truth was our inside health is just as important as what is seen on the surface!!!
Confidence and self worth was a struggle for me:( I wasn’t proud of the body that I was living in because I never had to work to achieve it and my heart hurt for all my family and friends who I watched struggle with their body image:(
Words are powerful and even when you think they don’t hurt the truth is they can be more damaging than one can understand unless experiencing it themselves:( meaning being told ur skinny can be just as detrimental as being told your fat…
So although I looked healthy on the outside it was my inner health that needed work and through lots of personal development, Encouragement overcoming obstacles and struggles and learning to rise above those things I never thought I could conquer I can now honestly say I am the healthiest version of myself mind soul and body in connection

No I’m not perfect and I’m a work in progress every day but I am proud of the hard work I have put in to earn the results both internally as well as externally and I’m learning to share them without regrets because a lot of sacrifice hard work and dedication has been put in each and everyday to finally feel confident and proud of the strong body I live in!!!”

Michelle may not have needed to lose weight, but confidence is in the smile!