Meet Amy.
“Hi! I am Amy! I’m not superhuman, have super powers or am different than the mom next door, the friend dropping their kid off at one practice then run to pick up the other kid across town at their practice or the wife trying to have a nice family dinner around crazy schedules and kids bickering.
I am no different than you. I still struggle as a person, as a survivor from attempted suicide, as a child who was raped for a year and a half, a person that battles thoughts of self sabotage with food when it is late and the day have not gone as planned and “falling off the wagon” seems like a better choice bc I’m tired and I sometimes get so angry that I have to battle the fact that I had let myself tip the scale at and very unhealthy 232 pounds and I was miserable. I felt unhealthy, gross, bloated and didn’t know the person in the mirror who was looking back at me. I was suicidal and on the verge of another attempt to end my life and walk away from an amazing husband and 3 children.

I literally had tried everything! I suffered from eating disorders, restricting calories, eating only once a day, hypnosis, shots, trying every diet to only make it a few days and go off the deep end to surgery that left me malnourished and getting it reversed because I was only able to eat cake, icecream, pies and other sweets.
Losing weight and getting healthy used to look like pills, weird mixes, pre-packages of high sodium filled processed foods with numbers on them instead of looking at the labels, eating foods that fill you up and will sustain you and help you to not have those crazy cravings. Having a certain amount of water at different times to help your body do it’s best to tell your stomach and brain when you are full so you don’t overeat. I had to get serious. When I started I just didn’t know because I wasn’t raised to know. No one really talked about this kind of health.
I took a leap and had it set in my head that none of this would work. I started with p90x3, then continued with 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme. I drank my Shakeology every day and followed the meal plan with the containers. I have completed the programs Core de Force, 80 Day Obsession, Cize, Country Heat, Insanity Max 30, Turbo Fire, 2B Mindset, Ultimate Portion Fix, Hammer & Chisel, LIIFT4, 22 Minute Hard Corps, Transform :20 and Shift Shop.
I’m the 37 year old that is teaching her children and family the right ways when it comes to health, nutrition and fitness. I’m a 2 degree- college educated woman with 4 dogs and a bad childhood. I go to therapy and help others from what I have learned through my struggle so they don’t have to go through what I did.

This is my journey. Some days are harder than the next, but I have the support of my teammates and coach. That has been a game changer for me. This lifestyle change is a marathon and I run a part of it every day. One path leads to another and each makes me stronger, more wise, gives me more mental clarity, a passion for life and the gratitude that I had lost. It is nice to finally get to know the person I was always meant to be… 100 pounds lighter and whole lot healthier.
Find me on Instagram @coachamyfab”

Amy has been an inspiration to so many, but being a mom of 3 has been the biggest inspiration for Amy! She is a role model for her kids and so many out there.