Transformation Tuesday… Congratulations to Claudia Z. who lost 146 lbs. in 33 months with 21 Day Fix, MBF/A, 10 Rounds, 645, Let’s Get Up!, LIIFT4, 2B Mindset, Shakeology, Beachbody Performance Energize + Hydrate + Recover, and Collagen Boost. “We started the journey for fostering to adopt. We had our first placement and I could barely walk around holding her without getting sweaty and out of breath. I couldn’t hold her close to me because of how big my mid section had gotten. I was so uncomfortable and I didn’t like it. Once she was moved to her family, I knew that if we were going to have a family, I needed to be healthy for them. I wanted to be present and not be in the background for them. We were given placement of 3 more children under 3 shortly after, and I began my journey. I needed to be around for these beautiful babies that were given to me to take care of. They deserved the best of me. They deserved a healthy, happy adult in their life. I have so much more confidence and I am so much happier now. I feel like I can do anything. I have learned to love my body again and give myself grace. Life is too short to be unhappy. I don’t need the scale, I just can focus on how I feel, my energy levels, my muscle definition, the inches I have lost. It’s amazing! I sometimes don’t recognize myself in the mirror.” Way to go, Claudia!! T
Transformation Tuesday