Why I invested into MY FUTURE....   I have always been the "big boned" "skinny fat" girl that played athletics all her life but had to work to stay smaller (size 6 was my smallest) until I went to college and did nothing and started taking diet pills and became anorexic...

Get a SIX PACK with LINA NUNEZ!!!!!!!

Lina Nunez shows us that with dedication to Beachbody she has been able to get back a healthy lifestyle and get a six pack that would make anyone jealous.   We are proud of her for all of her hard work and accomplishments over the past year.  If you want to...

Is Shakeology a Scam?!?- My thoughts and Why I LOVE IT!

Is Shakeology a scam? Is Shakeology a scam?  I have seen this question asked many times so I think it is only fair to share with you my thoughts about Shakeology along with the reasons I love it so much.  A fellow Teammate, Scottie Hobbs, had outlined this and I...

How Do I Really Know If Shakeology® Is Worth the Money When Everything Else Costs Less?

How Do I Really Know If Shakeology® Is Worth the Money When Everything Else Costs Less?- From the Shakeology website! There are many protein shakes and meal replacements that are less expensive than Shakeology. But comparisons based on the simple "protein shake" or even "health shake" are usually off the mark...

One Year Anniversary: The Commitment to a NEW LIFE!

One Year Ago today I COMMITTED to P90X and Shakeology! I was MISERABLE with who I was, what I saw in the mirror, and everyone around me! I was DEPRESSED, Angry, and a MEAN PERSON! I was in a dark hole of my life and it was not fair to the...

My Husband-Chris Minton’s Beachbody Journey

My Husband started with Insanity in July 2011 after watching me do a round of P90X and really BELIEVING the programs worked! He started with Insanity and started fresh, cut pop completely out of his diet and in month 1-30 days- he dropped 30lbs! He did not follow any other...

ChaLEAN Extreme: Next on my WORKOUT to do list!

    Get ready to burn fat, boost your metabolism, and get lean with ChaLEAN Extreme®, the extreme workout system from Chalene Johnson. It’s a fact: The more lean muscle you have, the more fat you burn. You can lose up to 60% of your body fat in just 3...

Spotlight on Shakeology ingredient: Acerola powder

Spotlight on Shakeology ingredient: Acerola powder. This antioxidant is derived from cherries and is one of the highest sources of natural, non-synthetic vitamin C     Acerola powder derives from the fruit of the West Indian cherry tree that is native to southern Mexico, Central and South America. The fruit...

Seay Standford Progress: 39 year old Mommy of 3

SO,  I have posted about Seay before, She is AMAZING 39 year old mommy of 3 who has GREAT results from ChaLEAN Extreme! From Seay herself: "Coming from a Die-Hard Gym rat, I am truly blown away by the results I'm getting on this ChaLEAN Extreme program. It's normally taken...