What does Beachbody commission mean to me?!?! 1. It means I am helping people get healthy and fit! 2. I am helping coaches change their families futures! 3. You are all helping me be able to pay for my children's education!!!! Tuition paid IN FULL!!!! That is what the opportunity...
Summer Swimsuit Challenge
How many of us are looking to peel away our winter layers so that we can look smoking hot in our swimsuits this season?????? I know I am!!!! I AM SOOO EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE MY CHALLENGE "The Summer Swimsuit Challenge" this is for you women and men who are looking...
Fitness Motivation: Confidence and Goal Setting
It's monday and a lot of times people, even myself, have dreaded waking up! BUT now I LOVE monday's! It is a FRESH start to the week, Its a NEW DAY, and its a NEW and FRESH Start to your goals! I like to start Challenge Groups on Monday's and...
21 Day Fix is here…. GET IT BEFORE ITS TOO LATE
So you may have heard already because it seems like the world is coming to an end for some #21dayfix people!!!! HAHA BUT..... It will be ok! The 21 day fix is available in a Challenge Pack only! You can pre order the base kit but it will not be available...
Health and Fitness Tips: How to get back on track when you fall off!
So many times I get people messaging me asking me how I do it? How I eat clean, stay on track, or get back on track after the holidays! Well the answer is simple.... JUST DO IT! I know easier said than done right? Well not really! You have to...
Nikki’s Ultimate Reset Results Take 2
This time on the Ultimate Reset I was focused to see results and get myself back on track with my eating and just clear my body of extra toxins I have filtered through my body! I did the Reset to get rid of bloat and to reset myself back to...
Beachbody Successful Coach Story: Success Club All Star Cody H. “Mama Fit Chick”
Congratulations Cody for reaching a huge milestone in your business! Success Club All Star Success Club All Star means she has hit Success Club 12 months in a row! Success CLub is a way we Beachbody Coaches Track how many lives we are changing! The more Success Club Points...
Don’t Give Up because of a Setback
One thing I have notice in my journey, with myself included, is when things happen in life we give up! We let go of what we were working hard on, we give up the results we had, and we forget about what we wanted to accomplish! Not anymore!!! There...
T.G.I.M: Monday Motivates
How many Monday's can you truly be thankful for? We should all be thankful for waking up and having the amazing abilities that we do! Being Thankful for all that we have and having another day to conquer! Yes Monday's may be difficult but remember to make the best of...
Courage: You are 10x more Capable than you THINK!
Nothing worth having comes easy! Take chances, challenge yourself, and make habits! You are worth the change in your life so work for it! Never settle for less! Your great rewards are going to be the toughest challenges!???? It's Monday and most of us dislike Monday because we have to go to...