It’s time to return back to the classroom, but what better way to get the kids excited about a new school year then with delicious lunch ideas!! When I was a kid, the best part of school was recess and lunch, so why not make it even more exciting with...
Health Benefits of Kiwi
Kiwi may be a small fruit, but it is packed with vitamins and nutrients! Kiwi is native to China but made its way to New Zealand in the 20th century. Kiwi gets its name from New Zealand's national symbol, the kiwi bird, which is also small, brown, and fuzzy. Check...
Health Benefits of Shallots
My next produce item belongs to the onion family, but closely resembles garlic. Shallots can either be used fresh or pickled. Studies show that due to shallots having a high content of antioxidant compounds, they have been known to help reduce various cancers. Studies also show that shallots have been...
Health Benefits of a Pluot
The next produce item might be a name you haven’t heard of before, but it’s one that has many health benefits. A pluot is a hybrid fruit that was created by a man by the name of Floyd Zaiger. The name comes from the two fruits that it originates from,...
Health Benefits of Blackberries
Another berry that is available during the summer months and can be used in many dishes are blackberries. Blackberries are a summer staple and can satisfy a sweet tooth without the calories. Blackberries are high in Vitamin C and K which helps with bone metabolism, heal wounds, shorten colds, and...
Health Benefits of Raspberries
Raspberries belong to the rose family and come in many varieties including black, purple, golden, with red being the most popular. Raspberries have a short shelf life so they are better eaten as soon as they are purchased. Low in calories, raspberries are filled with Vitamin C and a great...
Health Benefits of Corn
One reason I love summer besides the warm weather, is all the wonderful produce that is available during these months. A family favorite and staple in our household is corn on the cob. Corn, also known as maize, is a seed of a plant in the grass family. Corn comes...
Health Benefits of Bell Peppers
The first produce item I would like to explore are bell peppers. Also called, sweet peppers or capsicums, bell peppers come in various colors such as red, yellow, orange, and green which is unripe and can have more of a bitter taste. Bell peppers are high in vitamins, minerals, and...
Health Benefits of Arugula
I talked a little about the many different types of lettuce, but today I’m focusing on one of my favorites arugula. Arugula, also known as rucola, salad rocket, and Italian cress, originated in the Mediterranean area and is a member of the Cruciferous family. Arugula is high in fiber and...
Health Benefits of Chives
Did you know that even chives have many health benefits, and because they are on May’s produce list I thought I would share some of them with you. Chives are the smallest member of the onion family. This onion, or commonly used as an herb, is native to Europe, North...