Everyone has obstacles in their life. Obstacles are simply detours in the right direction.

You see… I was 20 when I got pregnant with my daughter and in that moment I knew it was the best thing for me and my future. I was reckless and pretty much in a very dark place in my life… I just did not seem to think past having this baby and getting through the next chapter.
The next chapter seems to be “Graduate college and get a job” but I could not see myself leaving my daughter… it was hard! I graduate and then find out I’m pregnant (7 months after my 1st) and again… seem to have really felt lost in my career path. What to do? How to do it? And I was living at home Soon I would get married, buy a house- renovate it, and have my dream job. Teaching. Following in my moms footsteps and knowing I wanted to work with kids. But I didn’t seem fulfilled as my kids were at home and I wanted to be there with them.
I was now a mom of 2 under 2 and was lost. The only way I found myself was a mom, a wife, and i guess a teacher But I didn’t seem to know who I was anymore. Getting pregnant young and starting a family was a blessing but also a detour on life! I knew I always wanted kids and a family but never thought it would happen before my 21st birthday.
You see… that detour made a change in the trajectory of my future. I knew I wanted to be at home with my kids, but I also knew I liked to shop so I needed to make money
I was feeling lost, depressed, always anxious going to work… and unhappy with the way I looked in the mirror and how tired I always was… And bam my eyes were opened to the first step in changing how I was feeling…. work on me… find me again! So I started working out, I started to change the way I was eating, and I started to see the light
at the end of the tunnel. It seems silly and maybe it was… for others, because I got hated on for real- but changing 1 thing changed everything.
Working out at home and eating decently- gave me energy again, gave me hope, and gave me a sense of who I was. It changed the way I saw things! I had no idea what a coach was when I signed up- I just knew I was going to save money and I did not need to do anything, but commit to me. So I did just that! The only catch was…. I started feeling so stinking amazing and seeing results in just 2 short weeks that I wanted to share it wIt’s everyone! And I mean EVERYONE!
I started staying accountable and sharing my workouts and info all over social media and really started being “salesy” because well… i wanted everyone to do it and the only things I knew was- I was working out- eating different- and drinking this shake… and it was working! So I shared and shared and shared… It made some people unfollow me- it made me gain new friends- and has helped me build a business that not only let me stay at home- helped me provide and shop as much as I want

9 years ago… I was broke, not only financially but emotionally and mentally as well… this community helped me be me again- find my place, find my purpose, build my passion, and be present when I wanted to be, all through working on me and my fitness!
9 years is the longest job I have held (before this was a 5 1/2 year retail job that I started 2 weeks before my 16th birthday) besides being a mom- yes that is a FT job … but obstacles come up every single day. From goals and benchmarks to leading and inspiring others. Leadership was never a strong suit for me and it’s not in my DNA
I had to learn it, build my confidence, and encourage myself that it doesn’t matter what others think… Detours get you where you want to go, but help you learn on the way.
In the last 9 years I have built amazing friendships, lost friendships, built a team of people I would have never knew if it weren’t for Beachbody- I lost some teammates, I hit huge milestones, and crumbled under pressure… I have had amazing mentors that came into my life and some have left… every obstacle I have faced in this business has made me stronger and respect business owners just that much more. This business not only changed me, but it changed my family.
With every obstacle I faced in my business- I faced one at home. But through those detours you really find what your true calling is and make the most of those detours and how long you’re on them! Life is a journey full of obstacles and you need to keep going one step in front of the other… one detour at a time… some times the detours are simply a self reflection on where you see yourself and if you are on the right path. Maybe it’s a simple. Hangs you need to do for you. No matter what… I’m here cheering you on- because believe me, I’ve been through a lot!