Transformation Tuesday… Congratulations to Leah H. who lost 14 pounds in 9 weeks with 9 Week Control Freak. “In the past, programs have only had 1 unique accessory, this program had 3 and the combination of having all three was unlike anything Beachbody has done! The equipment is so effective...
12 Days of “Fitmas”
12 more days til the New Year, so I thought it would be fun to have a little 12 days of “fitmas” to stay healthy and fit during the holidays!! To get started you must take some time to plan out the 12 days of workouts. Check out the link...
Winter Breeze Shakeology
This next recipe will be a wintery delight for the whole family and one the kids might be thrilled to drink!! Winter Breeze Shakeology is a “Frozen” themed smoothie that is not only appealing to the eyes but absolutely delicious!! Believe me you won’t be able to “Let It Go!!”...
Fitspiration Friday
Fitspiration Friday… Congratulations to Brigitte who lost 19 pounds and 17 inches with Muscle Burns Fat #mbf and Muscle Burns Fat Advanced #mbfa. “Physically I feel stronger, I have more endurance and less fatigued, and I’m able to push myself to a level I haven’t reached before! Mentally I am...
How Shakeology Can Be Your Secret Weapon for the Holidays
“When you’re trying to juggle work, life, and balanced eating, Shakeology can be a key part of your strategy for good nutrition.” Working from home, zoom calls, children online learning, and the holidays fast approaching, it makes sense why everyone is stressed to the max!! With all the holiday treats...
10 Tips to Stay Healthy and Active During the Holidays
The holidays are a time to celebrate, spend quality time with our loved ones, and enjoy the festive foods and decorations of the season. With all these wonderful things, may still come some holiday stress and over indulgences. Here are some tips on how to stay healthy and active throughout...
How to Keep Cramps From Ruining Your Run
Have you ever experienced cramps during or after a run? You may be having running cramps and there is a reason for these pains. There are 3 common running cramps… Side-Stitch Running Cramps, Intestinal Distress Running Cramps, and Muscle Running Cramps. So before you give up on running, check out...
Gooey Peanut Butter Cupcakes
It’s national cupcake day and yes another peanut butter chocolate delight for you all!! Gooey Peanut Butter Cupcakes are decadent, delightful, healthy, and FiX-approved!! “Ultimate Portion Fix creator Autumn Calabrese and her chef brother, Bobby, devised a way to make their Gooey Peanut Butter Cupcakes as healthy as humanly possible.”...
Transformation Tuesday
Transformation Tuesday… Congratulations to Paul D. who lost 30 lbs. and 16.5 inches with 9 Week Control Freak. “After completing 9 Week Control Freak, I am calmer, happier, leaner and stronger. The process of tackling the program has indeed made me a Control Freak. I want my nutrition to be...
7 Benefits of Massages
Right about now I’m sure anyone could use a massage, a way to relieve some of that built up stress!! Massages are a great self-care routine and are very beneficial for our bodies. Once you find a massage therapist that is best for you and is qualified, you may want...