Metabolism=Key to Weight Loss

Metabolism=Key to Weight Loss

A Beautiful Body= 80% nutrition 10% training 10% genetics

No one needs to fuss up to not eating until 2pm, but STOP IT!!

It may seem counter intuitive that eating more throughout the day will actually help you lose weight, but it’s true and there is science to back it up.

Increasing the frequency of meals causes your metabolism to be stimulated while preventing you from those awful hunger pangs.  Think about how often a baby eats…every 2-3 hours….These intervals not only keep the baby properly nourished and content, but the regular and consistent nourishment ensures that all metabolic processes are running efficiently.

It is natural for us to require sustenance every 2-3 hours, even in adulthood.  Keep in mind that just because you should be eating every few hours does not mean you have permission to eat everything in sight!  Make your portions smaller and with the right kinds of nutrient dense foods.

An Ideal Eating Schedule would look something like this:







That means you will be eating 2190 meals a year. With so many meals, you would think we would learn to get it right! Each one is essential to your health, critical to your happiness and will lead to your success! 2190 meals seems like a lot to plan for, but if you break it down day by day and prepare your meals its a lot easier than you may think!

Ok so we know WHEN to eat, how about WHAT you can eat…

Your diet should be comprised of 55% complex carbs, 27% lean protein, 18% healthy fats. (This is just a guideline, but you can download calorie counters on your phone that will give you the break down of what you are eating just in case you are really out of whack).

Water is crucial for cellular function at every level, from regulating body temp, to keeping joints mobile and and maintaining tissue health.  Try to drink about 10 cups of water a day to keep your systems running at an optimal level.

You should eat 6 servings of protein a day, 2-4 servings of complex carbs, 4-6 servings of fresh produce, and 2-3 servings of healthy fats.

Examples of good lean proteins:

Beans of all kinds


Beef Tenderloin

Chicken Breast



Lean Ground Turkey

Low Fat Cottage Cheese


Complex Carbs:

Brown Rice

Cream of Wheat



Wheat Germ

Sweet Potatoes



Healthy Fats:




Nut Butters

Olive Oil


Safflower Oil


Following the schedule above, here is a sample menu of clean healthy foods all throughout the day (most of which you can prepare at the beginning of the week or the night before):

7am Breakfast:

  • 1/2 cup oats cooked w 1 cup water (opt. top with 2Tbs ea ground flaxseed, wheat germ, bee pollen, 1/4 cup berries)
  • 4 eggs whites
  • 1 cup black coffee or clear green tea
  • 1 liter water

10am Mid Morning:

  • 1 apple w 2 Tbs natural pb or 1 handful raw almonds
  • 1 glass of water

1pm Lunch:

  • 5 oz tuna or chicken over 2 cups spinach leaves, 1 grated carrot, 1 tomato, 1/2 chopped bell pepper dressed with oil/vinegar or lemon juice, 2Tbs flaxseed
  • 1 glass of water

4pm Mid-afternoon:

  • 5oz grilled boneless skinless chicken breast
  • 1 cup steamed veggies
  • 1 glass of water

7pm Dinner:

  • 5 oz salmon
  • 1/2 baked sweet potato w chopped chives
  • 1 glass water
  • 1 cup plain green tea

9:30pm Evening:

This meal is optional, you can include it if you are still hungry or chose to skip it.

  • 1/2 cup kefir with 1/2 chopped apple or mixed berries
  • 1 apple with almonds
  • 1 rice cake with 1 Tbs natural peanut butter

It is not always possible to eat this many meals throughout the day, but a good start would be to at least make sure you eat SOMETHING for breakfast!

You should always make sure to eat a lean protein with a complex carb so other breakfast ideas would be a protein shake with shake with strawberries or eggs whites with spinach and tomato.

Thanks to Tosca Reno for these Concepts and Kati Heifner for writing up the blog!!!



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