Life • Nikki Kuban Minton How To Become A Healthier, Fit, NEW YOU- Free Fitness Coaching Tue, 09 Apr 2019 15:29:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 29591434 How to have a COMEBACK! Fri, 22 Sep 2017 16:20:26 +0000 How to have a COMEBACK!   #1: Look Forward! Stop looking backwards- you aren’t going there! You have to know where you want to go without wishing you were where you once were.  #2: Set Goals: and Break them down into smaller goals! You have to be able to have specific, measurable, attainable, reachable, and […]

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Comeback, setback, overcome, goals, results, health, happiness, goals, love, laugh, eat clean, look forward,

How to have a COMEBACK!


Comeback, setback, overcome, goals, results, health, happiness, goals, love, laugh, eat clean, look forward,

#1: Look Forward! Stop looking backwards- you aren’t going there!

You have to know where you want to go without wishing you were where you once were. 

#2: Set Goals: and Break them down into smaller goals!

You have to be able to have specific, measurable, attainable, reachable, and time sensitive goals that you can be proud of and more motivated when you get to those LARGE goals!

#3: Celebrate each and every little thing!

CELEBRATE the achievements! From working out 5-7 days a week, to losing a lb or even eating health 80% of the time! Give yourself a prize! A bath with a bath bomb (my favorites), a new workout tank, get your nails done!


You have to look at how far you have come when you check in, not how far you still have to go! Life happens and when you can look at all the accomplishments you have achieved, you are going to be able to stay motivated to keep going!


Commit every single day to be better than you were yesterday, Commit to your goals, Commit to what you want to achieve and WHY you want to achieve those goals!

Comeback, setback, overcome, goals, results, health, happiness, goals, love, laugh, eat clean, look forward,


Comeback, setback, overcome, goals, results, health, happiness, goals, love, laugh, eat clean, look forward,

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Courage: You are 10x more Capable than you THINK! Mon, 05 Aug 2013 16:04:52 +0000 Nothing worth having comes easy! Take chances, challenge yourself, and make habits! You are worth the change in your life so work for it! Never settle for less! Your great rewards are going to be the toughest challenges!????   It’s Monday and most of us dislike Monday because we have to go to work… If you are sitting […]

The post Courage: You are 10x more Capable than you THINK! first appeared on Nikki Kuban Minton.

Nothing worth having comes easy! Take chances, challenge yourself, and make habits! You are worth the change in your life so work for it! Never settle for less! Your great rewards are going to be the toughest challenges!????


It’s Monday and most of us dislike Monday because we have to go to work… If you are sitting at a desk job wondering there must be something better than working for someone else and wondering when the next raise will come! Stop waisting time wondering and ask because there is a better opportunity out there!!! ????

I love Monday!!! Today is Day 1 for my Back to Fitness Challenge group (48 STRONG) and my August Coach Camp (11 brand new coaches ready to get the step by step to a successful and rewarding business) I am feeling INSPIRED!!! ????


Nothing worth having comes easy… When you work for something, see results,   the reward is more enjoyable!!!! You cannot think a transformation is going to happen over night or that you are going to make a million dollars in one year! It takes time, practice, and patience!


Change your THOUGHTS. Change your HABITS. Change your LIFE!  When you change how you think of things and the outcome of your actions, your habits begin to form into the right way instead of the way you have been going! Once you get into a habit of healthy living and healthy mindset your life will change tremendously!


I have been a Beachbody coach for 2 years and I would be lying if I said getting to where I am today was easy… IT WAS NOT! I had struggles and plateaus, I had days where I felt like I was failing my coaches and challengers, and days where I was unworthy of all the success I have achieved! But knowing the support was there I gave up negative and got some courage to build myself day in and day out to make myself know I WAS WORTH and capable of amazing thing- NO ONE was going to design me I WAS! I make my destiny and plan my families future with the actions I take DAILY!


Believe in yourself! Transform your life and Make your DREAMS a reality!


Comment below if you need help on your journey- Message me or lets Chat so we can get you started TODAY![button link=”” type=”big” color=”orange”] Schedule a CALL![/button]

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OPENED DOORS…. MY STORY Fri, 14 Sep 2012 18:22:09 +0000 Why I invested into MY FUTURE….   I have always been the “big boned” “skinny fat” girl that played athletics all her life but had to work to stay smaller (size 6 was my smallest) until I went to college and did nothing and started taking diet pills and became anorexic and bulimic (very disappointed in […]

The post OPENED DOORS…. MY STORY first appeared on Nikki Kuban Minton.


Why I invested into MY FUTURE….


I have always been the “big boned” “skinny fat” girl that played athletics all her life but had to work to stay smaller (size 6 was my smallest) until I went to college and did nothing and started taking diet pills and became anorexic and bulimic (very disappointed in myself for getting there but it happened) and I can admit now that it was a horrible way to try to be skinny! So after college I got pregnant at 20 with my daughter and gained 76lbs and weighted in at 200lbs the day I delivered her… I went to the gym and got down to 138 in 7months and then found out I was pregnant with my son… Got back to 200lbs the day I delivered him as well…But the weight would not come off and so one night I saw the informercial for P90X and I ordered it- I said I have tried everything else why not try this, so many people are finding success… So I did it for 4 weeks and quit a year later and 5lbs gone a friend messaged me and said she became a coach and was wondering if I wanted to try shakeology– I pondered for a month or so and said you know what I have P90X and I see people are losing weight with this shake I’m going to try it, I was so depressed with what I saw in the mirror, who I was and I was completely uncomfortable in my own skin I could not believe I let myself go and did not join an accountablity group sooner- I went all in on accountability and joined as a coach to stay motivated… We started a challenge group and I did the full 90 days and lost 20lbs and went from a size 8/10 to a 4 and then followed that by Insanity and lost another pant size! Since than I have completed P90X2, ChaLEAN Extreme, Insanity Asylum, started doing Tai Cheng (because I have a neck injury and was told not to do high intensity but got cleared) so I am starting round 2 of ChaLEAN Extreme and could NOT be happier.. In 4 days I have lost 3.5lbs and feel AMAZING, so much energy and momentum to PUSH HARDER!!!  I have gained 10lbs of muscle in the past year, after Insanity and I am currently 136lbs and muscle and can say I’m pretty confident in who I am today!!!


So before I started actually “coaching” I was an Office Manager for my dad and then a Full Time Substitute Teacher, as you may know teachers and office managers do not make a WONDERFUL pay, BUT I was getting by, I paid my bills; student loans (after having to defer them for hardship), gas to get to and from work, groceries so my family could eat, and try to make the minimum payment on my credit cards (racked up debt while in college and not having a job them a baby that needed cared for).. YES my husband is in the picture and has a FT job but he was paying for the mortgage and house bills amongst health insurance, car insurance, house insurance… EVERYTHING ELSE! Well it was a struggle because I was putting my Shakeology and Business Fee of 15.95 on a credit card so that I would stay active, I had my husband become a coach to rank advance (money expenses paid out) and I was putting our financial situation at jeopardy… Finally 8 months after I became a Coach I was seeing a return, people were trusting in me and knowing that my transformation changed my life that I could help them change theirs! now 17 months after signing up I am close to another rank advancement and making DOUBLE what I would have being a teacher in the public schools. I am hoping that April 2016 (5 years as a coach) that my husband will be able to retire and be a stay at home dad- take and pick the kids up from school, take them to practice, coach them, and NEVER miss any milestones!!!! I AM SO PASSIONATE IN THIS JOB IT IS UNREAL!!!! I want to help so many others become FINANCIALLY FREE, if you can relate in any way CONTACT ME!!!


The post OPENED DOORS…. MY STORY first appeared on Nikki Kuban Minton.

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Stressed? Unwind- by Tonight! Thu, 05 Jan 2012 04:16:27 +0000   Stressed? Unwind- by Tonight! When you are relaxed, so is the rest of the family. Reclaim your calm with these moves for maxed-out moms or moms-to-be. If you were prone to stress before the love-marriage-baby-carriage days, it may have gotten worse now that you’re worrying for three, four, or more. “Women expect that we […]

The post Stressed? Unwind- by Tonight! first appeared on Nikki Kuban Minton.


When you are relaxed, so is the rest of the family. Reclaim your calm with these moves for maxed-out moms or moms-to-be.


If you were prone to stress before the love-marriage-baby-carriage days, it may have gotten worse now that you’re worrying for three, four, or more. “Women expect that we can do it all — be the mom, the wife, the star employee,” says Dale V. Atkins, PhD, a NYC-based psychologist and author of Sanity Savers: Tips for Women to Live a Balanced Life. “But in our quest to be perfect, we end up forfeiting our own sanity.”

And it doesn’t stop there: Many studies have linked excess stress to depression, heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer recurrence. Excess tension also has a trickle-down effect for kids: “Children aren’t born knowing what stress management is,” says Bruce Rabin, MD, medical director of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Healthy Lifestyle Program. “If they see you constantly frazzled, they’ll be more likely to grow up that way too.” So what are you waiting for? Put a few of these tips to the test tonight to keep the whole family happier.



A recent Japanese study found that laughing can directly alleviate anxiety; people who watched comedies had lower levels of circulating stress chemicals afterward than those who viewed regular movies. Here, two simple ways to laugh it up:

1. Take a step back.The next time you’re about to reach that I’m-gonna-lose-it point — your toddler just chucked his peas at the wall (again) or the dog threw up all over the carpet — take a step back. “Ask yourself, ‘If my friend were telling me this story, would we laugh about it?’” says Shoshana Bennett, PhD, a clinical psychologist in the San Francisco Bay area and author of Postpartum Depression for Dummies.

2. Stroll down memory lane.Give yourself permission to thumb through old photos — when the kids were teeny, of those college sorority days. It’s a seemingly simple act of reminiscing, but one that will likely make you smile, laugh, and count your blessings.



What you sip can affect your stress in both good and bad ways. What to start and what to stop:

3. Try tea.A steamy mug boasts health benefits even beyond its already antioxidant-packed contents: “Drinking something hot literally makes you slow down,” explains Jackie Keller, a Los Angeles-based nutrition and wellness coach and author of Body After Baby. “You have to sit still for 10 minutes and decompress.” A recent British study found that people who started drinking tea had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol after six weeks compared to those who consumed a placebo beverage.

4. Ditch your 3-a-day Diet Coke habit.“When you’re revved up on caffeine all day long, your heart rate and breathing increase, which can make you feel unnecessarily anxious,” says Wendy Warner, MD, president of the American Board for Holistic Medicine.

5. Be a water guzzler.Drinking this hydrating fluid is all-around good for you, but here’s one benefit you probably haven’t considered: Getting up to pee often (and hence, pulling yourself away from your inbox) guarantees regular mind-clearing breaks, says Atkins. What’s more, when you’re up and about, you’re likelier to interact with coworkers — and have social conversations that aren’t all business. The stress payoff? Studies have linked having close office pals to better anxiety management.



Exercise is a known stress-reducer: It releases endorphins, those feel-good brain chemicals, and lowers blood pressure, which can skyrocket under duress. But how to find time for it? Here, three ways we swear by:

6. Bring along baby.Strolling together is a totally underestimated relaxer, says Keller. “Physically, the act of walking is very rhythmic and repetitive. That alone has a soothing effect — for you and your infant,” says Keller. Plus, it’s a no-brainer way to sneak it in while the little guy naps or quietly soaks up the landscape.

7. Stock sneakers everywhere.If you stow a pair of comfy walking shoes in your office or car, it’s much harder to make excuses not to walk. Even just 10 extra minutes a day can have an impact; consider parking at the farthest end of the lot or hopping off the bus or subway a stop earlier. “That combination of fresh air, alone time, and light exercise can be an instant calmer,” Atkins says.

8. Pay attention to your energy ebbs and flows.“If you match high-energy activities to high-energy times of the day, you’ll enjoy them a lot more,” says Pam Garcy, PhD, a Dallas-based clinical psychologist and author of The Power of Inner Guidance. Some moms love hitting the gym right after work for an instant mood-boost before heading home; others need the pick-me-up first thing in the morning, for example. Figure out what feels best — and go with it.


9. Splurge selectively.You don’t want to make a habit of binging every time you’re stressed, but a little dark chocolate can bring on the calm. “It has the perfect combination of fat, sugar, and compounds that stimulate the brain to release endorphins,” says Ann G. Kulze, MD, a family physician in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. “The sugar also kicks up production of the mood-boosting brain chemical serotonin, which can help lower the body’s stress response.”



Being optimistic helps reduce the negative toll stress hormones take on your body.

10. Find three good things about your day.“The principle here is that there’s always something positive,” says Keller, whether it’s wrapping up a report two days early or getting a killer deal on sale-rack stilettos. This is also a great game to play with older kids — and an early lesson in gratitude to boot.

11. Redefine your stressors. “What if you were to describe your jam-packed week as ‘full and vibrant’ instead?” says Jill Wodnick, a yoga instructor and childbirth expert in Montclair, New Jersey. “Words have power, so be precise about how you use them.”



12. Pre-chop your veggies.You certainly don’t have 45 minutes to whip up dinner every night, and you’re probably not going to spend all of Sunday preparing frozen meals to eat all week long (does anyone really do that?). The solution: “Take an hour on the weekend to cut up the produce you use most,” says Keller. Weeknight dinners become a snap: A half-hour stir-fry recipe takes just 10 minutes when the veggies are all ready to toss into the wok.



Just because you’re not on the clock doesn’t mean you feel stress any less, says Atkins. Two smart ways to fend it off:

13. Make your own breaks.“Being a full-time mom is the only job where time off isn’t mandated by law,” says Bennett. If you don’t pencil in your breaks, no one will. Stick to a standing date three or four times a week, whether it’s lunch with friends or a class at the gym. “You need to have regular things to look forward to, and keep them just like you would a doctor’s appointment.” Feel guilty about taking so much “me time”? Think of it this way: “When mom’s doing better, so is her whole family.”

14. Read something stimulating.Even if it’s just a few pages of a novel before bed, skim something to challenge yourself. “This is especially important when you’re reading to and playing with kids all day long,” says Atkins. And reading before bed is a better way to conk out than tuning into TV (the light and noise stimulate your brain and keep you awake longer).



15. Start snapping.Next time you feel frazzled at home, grab the camera. “Taking pictures is surprisingly relaxing,” says Keller. One, you have to slow down to do it. Two, it distances you from the current situation. “When viewing your adorable baby or rambunctious preschooler through an outsider lens, it reminds you how lucky you are.”



How you breathe can have a big impact on stamping out stress. Try these moves:

16. See your stress dissipate.“As you inhale, visualize the word ‘calm’ coming into your mouth and tense up your body — make a fist, shrug your shoulders, curl your toes,” says Atkins. “When you exhale, imagine the word ‘stress’ leaving it — and completely loosen everything up.” You’ll feel your whole self relax (physically and mentally) right away.

17. Time your breathing.“If you’re anxious and need to calm down, exhale for longer than you inhale,” says Warner. Breathe in for five seconds and out for seven, for example. “This triggers a chemical change in your brain that makes your heart rate slow down.” Likewise, if you’re tired and need a boost, inhale for longer than you exhale.



18. Play the old-fashioned way. Breaking out a board game or a puzzle is a great way to get your older kids to talk, says Keller. “Inevitably while you’re taking turns you can slip in a ‘tell me about your day.’” And you’re more likely to forget about the 34 e-mails you need to respond to when you’re engaged and bonding with your kids than when you’re all zoned out to the TV.



Commutes and errand-running don’t have to be a major source of tension. Consider these super simple moves before getting behind the wheel again:

19. Change up your path slightly every day.If you’ve got the same old commute day after day, you stop enjoying — or even noticing — your surroundings. Try to pass by something natural, like a park or a lake, which helps stimulate your senses, says Atkins. Plus, many studies have shown that exposure to nature can help lower stress levels.

20. Be the early bird at after-school pickups.Avoid that panicky rush-rush-rush feeling by arriving at your kid’s karate practice five minutes before it ends. “Then use that break to relax and rejuvenate,” says Bennett. “Recline your seat, pop in a CD you love instead of the radio, and savor every second.”



Set up a zen zone at home and work, then turn to it when the going gets tough.

21. Deck your desk.It’s probably lined with pictures of your kids, but why not add other things that bring you joy too, like a memento from a favorite getaway. “Every time you look at that sea shell, for example, you’ll be transported to those relaxing moments — you can literally see yourself sitting the beach, you can smell that salty air,” says Atkins.

22. Find one spot in the house that makes you totally happy.Even a corner of the bathtub will do. “I keep a few beautiful candles perched on my tub,” says Atkins. “I may not have time for a relaxing bath every night, but just seeing them helps me feel better.”

23. Use soothing smells.A recent Australian study found that emergency room nurses (typically a very high-stress group) had significantly lower anxiety levels after receiving aromatherapy massages. While massage is not realistic in the middle of a crazy work day, you can let the power of scent keep you calm. Stash a bottle of lavender hand cream in your desk drawer and rub it on whenever you need instant relaxation.



There’s no way around housework, but these tips may help you dread the deed a little less.

24. Pump up the volume.Six loads of laundry become a lot more bearable when you’re sorting and folding to Bon Jovi — and taking breaks to dance, sing, and laugh. “When mom’s silly, it’s remarkable what happens to her kids,” says Bennett. “You’ll have a roomful of happy, gigglers in just 15 seconds — it’s truly transformative.”

25. Treat yourself to some tulips.Studies have shown that fresh flowers can lower stress levels by triggering positive emotions in people who admire them. So make sure to pass by them (and catch a calming whiff) between rounds of vacuuming and dusting.



Maintaining a log of tasks may be a lifesaver, but this can actually fuel stress if you do it the wrong way. Keep this in mind before you pick up a pen:

26. Have two kinds.The first is a massive brain-dump that you update whenever you remember something new, whether it’s writing a thank-you note or calling the landscaper. From that, draft a shorter daily or weekly list of what you realistically hope to accomplish in that timeframe. “Then at the end of the day, you see all the cross-offs and feel productive, not overwhelmed by what you haven’t done,” says Bennett.

27. Use it to delegate.Don’t just pen the list — show it to your partner or older kids who can help you whittle it down. “This lets everyone pitch in and prioritize, and ensures that your husband and kids don’t need to read your mind,” says Keller.



28. Consider anti-stress karma. If you aid people in their time of need, maybe you’ll get help when you’re under the gun, advises Mudita Rastogi, PhD, a professor of clinical psychology at Argosy University in Schaumburg, Illinois. “When pregnant women ask you what motherhood is really like, be honest and share your tips. Offer to pick up groceries for a new mom. Watch someone’s baby while she takes a nap.” Other studies have found that being a good friend can lower blood pressure and help women manage their own stress more effectively.

The post Stressed? Unwind- by Tonight! first appeared on Nikki Kuban Minton.

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The Life Today of Nikki Kuban Minton Thu, 11 Aug 2011 07:53:46 +0000 Hello World! My name is Nikki Kuban Minton and I am a 24 and a mother of 2 precious children. A 3yr old Princess and a 1 1/2 yr old boy! They are the light of my life! If it was not for my children I do not know where I would be today! I […]

The post The Life Today of Nikki Kuban Minton first appeared on Nikki Kuban Minton.

Hello World! My name is Nikki Kuban Minton and I am a 24 and a mother of 2 precious children. A 3yr old Princess and a 1 1/2 yr old boy! They are the light of my life! If it was not for my children I do not know where I would be today!

I had met my husband when I was 19 at College, we had the relationship most college students had, serious but who knew what was going to happen next.  We were dating for a year and a half when I found out I was pregnant.  At the age of 20 I was shocked, scared, nervous, happy, sad, anxious, every possible emotion was running deep within my skin.  I thought to myself this is a sign from God and is a blessing in disguise.  

On my 21st birthday, I was not able to party like all of my other friends did, instead I was sitting around gaining weight like crazy and getting bigger and bigger.  I was growing so fast during my pregnancy that I was told that I had to watch what I was eating.  

At the time I thought this is an excuse to eat what I want, I’m Pregnant-the baby needs the food! When started my pregnancy I was 115lbs, the morning I delivered my daughter I was 197lbs.  The normal weight gain of a pregnant women was 15-20 lbs, I GAINED AN INSANE 82 lbs!!!! On May 10, 2008 I had a beautiful baby Girl, Giavonna Marie Minton, 8lbs 6oz.  My life had changed before my eyes and I WOULD HAVE NEVER CHANGED IT FOR THE WORLD!  

I had gone through many friendships during this time, I lost all of my friends because they did not understand my life now.  I was a mom- not a 21 yr old who could go out every weekend and party.  This was very hard and depressing for me, I was ALWAYS a social butterfly and would go out and loved to meet new people.  BUT, now I was not just a Mom, I was OVERWEIGHT and that was VERY hard for me to face.  I started working out at the gym and by January 2009 I was down to 136 lbs, not great, but it was progress for me.  

But, I found out I was pregnant again! This was very hard for my soon to be husband (at the time) and I to face! Of course I was happy, but we had mixed emotions- I had just graduated College in December, he was in his prime of his career; a police office, and our lives once again were going to turn around.  

I would not think of anything but bringing little baby into this family with as much love as I could give! My husband and I had then decided to push up our wedding and get married in April, before I got too large to wear a wedding dress.  With this pregnancy I had gained 65 lbs, this was very discouraging.  He was a week late, and when he was being delivered, his shoulder got stuck in my pelvis bone and I thought they had broke his shoulder and collar bone- he screamed and cried more than I had ever thought! He ended up being a 10lb very healthy baby, Neyko Christopher Minton! Now I had two babies in the house; my daughter now 17 month, who was walking and a brand new baby, who was colic. This was going to be a LONG road ahead of me. 

Having two babies was the least of my worries, I wanted to get my BODY BACK! This was going to be the hardest thing I had to go through.  Taking care of two babies and trying to find time to get my body together!  I had tried going to the gym, but it was hard to leave the babies.  I tried working out at home with the work out equipment we had, never had a second to be alone.  So, I decided to try P90X- I heard tons of wonderful things, and I thought to myself maybe just an hour-2 hours to workout!! Well I started P90X in February 2010 and only lasted 4 weeks. I started to go on an instant gratification fix and tried every diet pill, cleanse, every and any BAD/HARMFUL DIET OUT THERE! BIGGEST MISTAKE I MADE FOR MY BODY!  after a long 13 months I had finally got back to my pre Neyko weight and could not get past it.

On April 17, 2011 I had made a COMMITMENT to myself and health that I was going to lose this baby weight the right way, but working out! So, I had tried P90X again. This time I started at 138lbs, 37 in hips, 30 in waist, 34 inch chest, 41 in butt, and 24 in thighs.  I had gone cold turkey- started working out, doing the lean version of P90X and eating healthy/ clean.  For the first week I ate nothing but fruits and veggies, whole wheat, chicken, and DRANK ONLY WATER!  I FELT FABULOUS! Then, I ordered Shakeology (, this is a shake that has 70+ ingredients and gives you all of the nutrients you need in (1) one shake.  One shake is like eating 5 salads. This shake gave me energy, stopped my cravings for sweets, and helped me jumpstart my weight lose.  As of today it is June 27, 2011; day 70 0f P90X and I am 129lbs, 35 in hips, 28 in waist, 33 in chest, 39 in butt, and 22 in thighs. I AM VERY HAPPY WITH MY RESULTS!

Instead of not knowing where I am or will be, I am finally thinking about the future and what I would like my children to grow up knowing about me! I had also signup up to be an Independent Beachbody Coach, I help people reach their fitness goals, while I am reaching my own goals! I have never been healthier in my life! I need to know that when I am 50 years old I am still in the best health and shape of my life to keep up with my kids and the life they have! I WANT TO BE AROUND WHEN THEY ARE ADULTS!  One healthy choice after another, will lead to a healthy full life for my family and I.

The post The Life Today of Nikki Kuban Minton first appeared on Nikki Kuban Minton.

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